Birthday List

Aug 19, 2010 13:10

 Sorry for my LJ neglecting and this feels like a very selfish post but quite a few people have been asking me what I want for my 21st and it's just over 2 weeks away now and a major part of me has NO CLUE!

So I have formulated a brief list. My main thing I want for my birthday is a holiday! So I'm thinking people who want to give me money for my birthday that would be lovely and I can set up a holiday fund!

However I do have a few things that I would quite like so here goes:
True Blood Series 1/2
Torchwood: Children of Earth
Gavin and Stacey: series 2/3
Audrey Niffinger: Her fearful symmetry
Peep Show series 6
Doctor Who: Ressurection of the Daleks
11 Doctors box set (figures)
Doctor who E-space Trilogy
Doctor Who: The specials boxset

lists, dilemmas, birthday

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