Jun 01, 2010 00:02
- 09:56 Back to collectormania for tom baker squee! Hurray #
- 11:12 @ Jess__Who oh Jess *hugs* I love you x #
- 11:27 Quing for my tom picture *excited much* #
- 13:34 We just got given Kelly babies from tom baker hurray! #
- 13:43 Whoops of course I meant to say jelly babies from tom baker who the hell is Kelly? #
- 16:21 On our way home now I am broke and kanckered but have had an awesome time #
- 16:24 Hurray! Trufax RT @captains_girl: @tiggerbrasilf We're the orgy crew, it's like the law. #
- 17:09 @ tiggerbrasilf haha yes we do! #orgycerw #
- 17:12 Agh why do men have to be annoying and confusing dicks? And i'm not even talking about the Adam here gah! #
- 17:18 You don't have to say you love me just be good in bed you don't have to stay forever but please keep giving head! #
- 18:45 @ EdCassieMiller yay macs are the way forward! #
- 20:53 Oh crap just looked at my account and I don't have enough for when the rent comes out oh balls! #
- 21:24 Glee + gaga = epic win! #
- 22:27 Thank goodness for parents and all their help now I just need to worry about what to eat for the next 3 weeks #
- 23:09 @ Roberty88 of course you are rude for you are captain campy pants! #
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