May 08, 2010 00:04
- 00:40 I so need to get to sleep but I love @charltonbrooker @RealDMitchell and @laverneshow oh and @jimmycarr too much #c4altelection #
- 00:56 Omf yay @VictoriaCoren on #c4altelection so glad I stayed up now I am a bit too much in love with this woman #
- 01:08 Oh shite first Tory seat *cries* that's not a good way to end my night #c4altelection #
- 01:09 No don't leave me funny people! I don't want to go to bed 5 hours till I need to be up for placement :( #c4altelection #
- 07:16 I feel very disheartened by these elections but with so many people being turned away I think a re-election is needed #
- 07:44 @ tiggerbrasilf not yet but it's either the Tories or a hung paliment #
- 07:51 Time to leave my political views at the hospital door and go treat some patients i'm later then usual cause I was busy talking to the TV #
- 10:37 Not overly pleased about a hung parliment but just very happy that the Tories haven't gotten in hurray #
- 18:22 Sam just gave me a lift back to save my legs she is lovely another week of placement done hurray! #
- 19:50 Yay Katie wix is on outnumbered I still love her #
- 21:32 Is going to be really lame and head to bed as I am shattered! #
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