To Blog or Not To Blog, That is the Question.

Dec 01, 2011 21:58

With my new Live Journal, I find myself with a perplexing question. Should I blog? Or should I keep my insignificant babbles to myself?

The answer is hard for me to come by. On one hand, by blogging I would be fulfilling the prominent urge to speak my mind in the most peculiar way. But on the other hand, I am face with the fact that my blog's will be over looked and left to collect a pile of cyber dust.

This LJ was created solely for fanficitons, to follow writers and alert readers. However now, I sit here wishing to push my own rubbish on to this page with the intent to infect your mind with word's of absolute insignificance. Perhaps my plague will abuse your mind until you absolutely crave a simple word from myself. A post would delight you to no end, giving you that amazing feeling of pure and absolute tranquility. Or imaginably, my meaningless gibberish will push you to the absolute edge of insanity. Upon seeing my name you would toss that wondrous thinking machine, that you have dubbed a computer, out the window busting it on the ground below.

Maybe I will simply force away all idea's of becoming a blogger and limit my posts to lucid updates of the fanfic kind. This would result in restricting my mind in the most horrific way! I will lay awake at night pondering the very topic I wish to push onto you. The sleep deprivation would result in my complete and unadulterated demise.

*sigh* Do you see my dilemma? Should I risk throwing a curse on to other people? Or should curse myself with hiding my true thoughts?


roz, blog, fanfiction, writing, rozthegreat, blogging

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