So it feels...

May 01, 2009 14:43 the semester is already over. I only have 1 final left on Monday, and a lab report to turn in as well (it'll be a joke.)

My 8AM final that I spent the better part of 7 hours studying for... Turned out being 150pts worth of questions taken word for word from the exams - which happened to be what I studied. So I think I got my first A ever on a test for that class. My 1PM final was... I couldn't give a shit less how it went I kinda drifted in and out the whole time. It was only over 4 chapters and I probably got a C - don't care, done. I'll spend my Sunday shift studying for my Monday final and that'll pretty much be that.

I can honestly say, right now I'm considering catching up on some serious WoWing, as I haven't spent more than six hours in Azeroth in the last two weeks.

More on life as it develops.

Whose life did you live today?
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