Whoa. . .

Jul 15, 2010 15:57

Ok, I know I have a tendency to send people a lot of links via AIM. A lot. A whole lot. And a lot, lot more. (points if you get the reference)

However, this is something I think most of us need to see. Either for our ego, our anger, or our pity.

If you're a nerd. . . Well, I'll quote the quote already in the article: "'Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. They have turned comic book characters into idols, and worship them they do! Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. It is time to put away the silly vanities and turn to God like you mean it. The destruction of this nation is imminent - so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry.'"

I don't know if I wanna set a up a "Church of Modern (or Nerd) Culture" or if I just wanna find these people. . . Sorry, these aren't people, these are real-life trolls. They have to be, no one is this stupid, right? Right? Ugggggh. What has religion done to people that they have to rage against everything? I mean it's one thing to be a teenager, another to be a Red Lantern, and still another to be a troll in an internet flame war, but this? This is just a new low for people.

I really hope this shit stops. Soon. Freedom of religion means Freedom FROM religion. You wanna express freedom of speech? Fine. I respect that. But you're affecting real peoples' lives in a negative way when you start pulling stunts like this. Even if its primarily your own. This worst part is that its just like any other protest -- you can't do anything except argue back, which is the same as yelling at a brick wall. Except it ends up dividing people into camps and reinforcing their own prejudice. It's one thing to hate the things you know, but to hate out of ignorance takes a special mix of stupid and malicious.

Anyway, I'll step off the soap box, and I guess I really should've expected shit like this after all. Guess I'll see what comes from these actions with time.
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