I have been suspended from the Labour Party...

Sep 17, 2016 21:05

And my vote in the election of the leader has been disallowed. The allegation is that one of my tweets on 6th May and another on the 3rd December is abusive...There are two tweets on May 6th - one saying that Labour would be doing better in polls without bitching and plotting and the other accusing the Tories of election expense fraud.

These are my tweets for December 2nd and 3rd - robust language to be sure, but abuse?



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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

There is NO WAY to abolish online anonymity that does not put a lot of vulnerable people in danger of life and sanity.
11 retweets 12 likes

Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Earlier I referred to Hilary Benn as a lickspittle running dog of colonialism ad imperialism. I did not, of course, intend to hurt his feels
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Roz Kaveney

Novelist, poet, critic, activist, trans woman, Londoner, sentimentalist, radical, somewhat disliked by various silly people.

London • rozk.livejournal.com
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Syrians are dying and we're discussing whether Alex Salmond made a remark that was tasteless.
4 retweets 7 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

The Mirror are running a poll for Benn as Labour Leader. So far 91% against. Let's make it 99%.
6 retweets 3 likes
In reply to Lee Weissman
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@JihadiJew But most people with religion and/or MH issues don't shoot people. That would be people with guns.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

I don't especially want to swear at MPs. I will fight for the right to swear at MPs because I wish to retain the right to use biting sarcasm
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Sabine

I use my own name precisely because I have some minor privilege to withstand it. A public voice and friends.

Roz Kaveney added,
Sabine @ThatSabineGirl
@revmagdalen @RozKaveney Harassment and abuse happens under people's real names too, on places like Facebook.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Dorothy Snarker

Oh FMS this is awesome.

Roz Kaveney added,
Dorothy Snarker @dorothysnarker
Lena Headey in a suit. This is not a drill. #lesbianbatsignal http://dorothysurrenders.blogspot.com/2015/12/gender-fuck-thursday-lena-headey-edition.html?m=0
2 retweets 2 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

To quote a figure I mostly destest - I will fight fight and fight again to save the party I somehow still manage to love.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

I am now back to stay - somewhat to the Left of where I used to be. You can pry my Labour membership only from my cold dead fingers now.
0 retweets 4 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

I resigned from the Labour party over Gulf Part one, the abolition of Clause 4 and Ed Milliband's capitulation to a centrist narrative.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@andyburnham Social media are playing field where the vulnerable and abused have some chance of hitting back.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Online anonymity - and I speak as someone often harrassed - is more important than the hurt feelings of MPs.
11 retweets 10 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Online anonymity helps people blowing whistles in tyrannies; it helps battered wives; it helps LGBT teens with bigoted parents.
13 retweets 13 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@andyburnhammp Friends who have been subjected to staggering vileness on Twitter, simply hand their account to friends for a few days to run
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@andyburnhammp As someone who gets a lot of abuse on Twitter, I use the block and mute buttons regularly. Hence my vast calm.
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In reply to Zoe-Marie Rogers
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@ZoeMarieRogers @andyburnhammp MPs use language like scrounger in speeches which people find staggeringly offensive - will that be policed?
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In reply to Zoe-Marie Rogers
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@ZoeMarieRogers @andyburnhammp I have been told that I on occasion make people wish they were dead by being icily polite to them.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Momentum should not be all about personal attacks on individuals. As an individual I outsource my personal attacks to nobody else.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@andyburnhammp wants a code of conduct for social media. Perhaps he thinks we should all dress up in a school uniform before we tweet.
6 retweets 6 likes
In reply to Alex Gabriel
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@AlexGabriel It kept the narrative on the issue of bombing Syria not his leadership.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Polly Toynbee believes Labour should vote for war to be serious.That's pretty much journalists demanding blood sacrifice as sign of respect
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

How much do MPS know and not say about each other's crimes? Maybe they need to be honest.
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In reply to Tom Holland
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@holland_tom @tom_watson It depends where you live. Churchill's name is mud in Wales and India. And Iraq.
3 retweets 1 like
In reply to Tom Holland
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@holland_tom @tom_watson Politicians are remembered for the worst thing they did, not the best.
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In reply to Tom Watson ☀️
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@tom_watson You will recall that Byron wrote a poem about urinating on Castlereagh's grave. Poets are not nice.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

@tom_watson And if you don't like it you can expel me. You were wrong to vote for bombing.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Jeremy Corbyn MP

And you were the conscience of the country.

Roz Kaveney added,
Jeremy Corbyn MP @jeremycorbyn
In 7 days 5 million Brits change their minds on Syrian airstrikes. Concerned citizens or terrorist sympathisers?
2 retweets 1 like
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Noisy campaigns for deslection will be represented as vindictive bullying rather than democratic accountability. Don't talk about it. Do it.
8 retweets 9 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

I would suggest to Left Unity that, if deselection is an option, it should not be loud.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 3 Dec 2015

Cameron did not need Labour votes. He solicited them in order to foment civil war in Labour and the pro-war faction rushed to comply.
13 retweets 6 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

I am so relieved that my MP did not vote for bombing.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

My poem for the 67 Labour MPs http://rozk.livejournal.com/532674.html I am too sick at heart to write well, and yet sometimes you have to write something.
1 retweet 3 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

This time I am not resigning from the Labour Party. I am staying to fight these war-mongers/
8 retweets 20 likes
In reply to Jane
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

@janeyotweets @UKLabour We knew a lot of the Blairite dead wood were still there. Now we know how much worse they are.
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In reply to Patrick Strudwick
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

@PatrickStrud We have always been in for attacks whichever way it went, I fear.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted David Davis MP

I don't usually retweet Tories bvut everything he says is right.

Roz Kaveney added,
David Davis MP @DavidDavisMP
(1/5) The arguments of those saying 'doing something in #Syria is better than nothing' are false. Nobody is arguing for doing nothing
5 retweets 10 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Mark Steel

I hope they all see dead children in their dreams.

Roz Kaveney added,
Mark Steel @mrmarksteel
To be fair, MPs who voted for bombing assured us they 'didn't take the decision lightly'. None of them said 'I don't care so rolled a dice'.
5 retweets 5 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted

No maybe about it. https://twitter.com/juliahobsbawm/status/672182742180888578

Roz Kaveney added,
This Tweet is unavailable.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Dear Hilary Benn, if the Spectator is praising your oratory, you can be absolutely sure that you have done a really wrong thing.
39 retweets 41 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted BBC Parliament

That we care as much about brown Syrian children as we do about white black and brown British ones.

Roz Kaveney added,
BBC Parliament @BBCParliament
On Paris attacks @hilarybennmp "they could have been our children... if we do not act what message will that send?"
18 retweets 7 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Anya

I won't even consider his issues.

Roz Kaveney added,
Anya @fancie18
@RozKaveney @sarahluv81 he should remember his Father's stand on Iraq
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Steve Battlemuch

To screw Corbyn for humiliating her leadership bid presumably.

Roz Kaveney added,
Steve Battlemuch @Battlemuch4WW
Strange speech from @YvetteCooperMP - going to vote for bombing but states Cameron's strategy is wrong. Why then vote for it?
11 retweets 9 likes
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Bonnie Greer

Maybe he believes what he said. Maybe.

Roz Kaveney added,
Bonnie Greer @Bonn1eGreer
#HilaryBenn made a very good and strong speech- in favour of the wrong policy.
This day is sad beyond measure.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Yes Hilary Benn. Fight Daesh Fascism with the Saudis, Al Qaeda, Erdogan and Putin as your allies.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Hilary Benn compares bombing Syria to the International Brigades. Their actual equivalent is the Kurdish woman jailed for trying to fight.
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In reply to artsyhonker/Kathryn
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

@artsyhonker You're right. He hasn't endorsed bombing without other actions but hasn't explicitly said that w/o them it ceases to be just.
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In reply to artsyhonker/Kathryn
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

@artsyhonker I find his position equivocal. One of the requirements of Just War is that you have a clear and achievable objective.
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In reply to artsyhonker/Kathryn
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

@artsyhonker @JustinWelby Cameron won't do ANY of those other things in practice especially not the refugee stuff.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

I won't say anything about the LibDem decision to vote for bombing if friends don't talk about Labour bombers. We all have crosses to bear
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

The crucial way to counter Daesh/ISIL is to be generous with refugees.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

This is clearl relevant to stopping them.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

@NickCohen4 I don't want to abuse or harass MPs who vote for bombing Syria - is there an etiquette manual that indicates how rude I may be?
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

If Putin goes on revealing this much dirt on Erdogan https://www.rt.com/news/324252-russian-military-news-briefing/#.Vl75p6ErV04.twitter … presumably Erdogan will repay in kind.Popcorn time.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

The UN has not authorized bombing - the UN has authorised 'concerted action' which might mean sending Daesh a joint Christmas card.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

So the US is putting more boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq? Will Cameron come back next week asking to do the same?
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

If the British public has changed its mind about bombing Syria in a week, isn't that evidence that Corbyn is rather a good communicator?
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Roz Kaveney Retweeted Another Angry Woman


Roz Kaveney added,
Another Angry Woman @stavvers
hello i am a mp plx do not contact me or hold me accountable in any way or protest my murderous decisions bc thats abuse waaaaaa
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Why I think Dan Jarvis is wrong
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In reply to Mike Scott
Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

@DrPlokta Which is why it is important to put pressure on Labour MPs right down to the wire.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Prediction of a clear majority for Cameron in news bulletins. Is that actually the case?
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

No mention of the scepticism of the Tory dominated Foreign Affairs committee.
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Roz Kaveney ‏@RozKaveney 2 Dec 2015

Worrying extent to which the Today programme is presenting the Government case for bombing uncritically.
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