Jun 18, 2007 08:42
My life is gay.
My parents moved to NC so I have the house now..
Thats sweet except the bills are fucking me up the ass.
I have two jobs now.. Rite Aid and Delta Sonic.
Im so poor and I work like 60 hours a week.
Nick moved in with me. He helps out with shit. Its cool.
Chris makes me angry and happy and excited and confused all at the same time. I just want him to tell me what he wants. I want him to tell me that he wants me and wants to be with me.
I still love Dan. I always will. He knows it. And Im okay with our current situation.
Ted wants a second chance. Im kind of not in the position to be giving any time away... when Im not at work Im sleeping or trying to see my friends.
Life sucks.
All I really want to do is be 18... go to the beach, drink and experiment with things lol.
Well, off to Rite Aid 10-4, then Delta 430-930