May 26, 2004 10:21
Oh! i forgot to tell everyone about the SAM! my art class went down to the sam on friday. i drove down with two girls from lake stevens, april and jen. it was quite the ride, and i actually didn't get lost in seattle! krazyness! so the sam was kewl, it was my first time going there. they had a "what is an american?" show going on, about race and stuff. it was awe-inspiring. next we drove to the frye museum, but decided to get a bite to eat first. we popped into st. james cathedral on our way. now that place has some art! then we got teriyaki at a little resturant. it was tasty: TOFU!!! and we talked about raliegh: does he know that she knows that we know that he knows......... errr, yeah. so we went to the frye museum, after of course, taking a peek at o'deas. in case you don't know, its a catholic ALL BOYS high school. *drool* oh, yeah, the frye. more pretty art. they had this awesum 3 person chair! it was kewl....
on saturday allyson came over and we made kandi and i cleaned my room. that was insane. sunday i caught up on homework and worked. monday, tuesday work, oh, and i went to the chiropracter yesterday! awwwwww, it was so nice, my back feels soooo good!
today, i accidentlly turned my alarm clock off and slept in an hour and a half. so i took this fast shower and hurried up. then i drove up the road and i was an hour late and i decided i might as well stay home. i was sick anyways. so i drove back down the gravel road and here i am!
YELLOW BRICK ROAD! yeah, i like can't wait!