A cup of tea? With strawberries please!

May 13, 2008 07:44

Age: 15
Gender: F
Height: 164cm
Zodiac Sign: aries

Likes: sports, being alone, computer, hk, japan....hmm
Dislikes: somewhere too hot or too cold, purple
Hobbies/Talents: Music
Strengths: determined
Weaknesses: lazy
Habits: none really~
Other notable traits: really quiet?

Favorite type of music: jpop + classical
Favorite quote: n/a :D
Favorite food: japanese, chinese,...around that area
Favorite color: blue
Favorite animal: cat

Optimist or pessimist?:pessimist
Leader or follower?:Leader
Fighter or lover?:lover
Good or evil?:Good
Impulsive or rational?: rational
Loud or quiet?:quiet
Reality or fiction?:Reality

Goal in life: Don't have a goal yet~

Who's your favorite Rozen Maiden character and why?: sugintou...b/c of her dress
Who's your least favorite Rozen Maiden character and why?: Kanaria b/c she's just weird in my view
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?: musical
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