A cup of tea? I'd rather have Monster, instead!

Feb 14, 2008 10:09

Name: Jessica
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: Five feet, six inches
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Likes: Anime, manga, Internet, yaoi, yuri, movies, books, money, cosplay, conventions, food, friends, shopping, art, vacation, babies, cute things, shiny things, girls, supernatural, sunshine, nature, animals, energy drinks.
Dislikes: War, Bush, poverty, crime, disgusting things, homophobes, perverted old people, spiders, heights, nightmares, the dark, being left out, losing things in the mail, losing my favorite things, bad grammer, unfair character bashing.
Hobbies/Talents: Same as likes
Strengths: Loyal, caring, strong-willed
Weaknesses: Bad-tempered, impatient, lazy
Habits: Quiet, shy, critical
Other notable traits: Um, I'm quiet most of the time, but I can be loud. I don't like it when my friends or family get picked on. I defend them if the situation deems it necessary. I'm shy, but provoke me enough and I can be like a ticking bomb just waiting to go off.

Favorite type of music: Rock and pop.
Favorite quote: "Believing in yourself, that is the power to change fate." ~ Uzumaki Naruto
Favorite food: Chinese
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite animal: Wolf

Optimist or pessimist?: Optimistic
Leader or follower?: Follower
Fighter or lover?: Fighter
Good or evil?: Good
Impulsive or rational?: Rational
Loud or quiet?: In between
Reality or fiction?: Reality

Goal in life: To be successful in whatever career I choose.

Who's your favorite Rozen Maiden character and why?: Suigintou. She gets all my love and sympathy, and out of all the dolls I think she deserves to be happy the most. Especially with Megu.
Who's your least favorite Rozen Maiden character and why?: I don't like this question, but Shinku. Overture explains it all.
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?: Analytical?

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