*Balances Teacup on my nose*

Jan 23, 2008 06:23

Name: Rena
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: Like 5'3-5'4. I'm kinda short D:
Zodiac Sign: Piecies

Likes: Drawing, Reading, Playing Videogames, Spending time with Family
Dislikes: Selfishness, Dishonesty, Stupid dumbasses that speak before they think (a good 7/8ths of my highschool :/)
Hobbies/Talents: I have a great amount of creativity and imagination. I draw and paint a lot, and I can pick up different instruments easily. Bass Clarinet is my main and favorite to play.
Strengths: Caring, Loyal, Affectionate, Funny, Honest
Weaknesses: Cold to people I don't know, Quiet, Anti-social
Habits: Nervous habits. I'll do things like eat paper, tap my foot, or tape my fingers together when I'm really nervous about something.
Other notable traits: I have trouble forgiving when someone does something very emotionally damaging to me or my family.

Favorite type of music: Techno, 80's, Rock, Metal (Prog and Folk)
Favorite quote: "Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are Lies."
Favorite food: Asian and Italian Food.
Favorite color: Pastels, Dark Colors (Blue, Black, Grey), Natural Colors (Darker Greens, Browns, Tan, White)
Favorite animal: Cats.

Optimist or pessimist?: Realist
Leader or follower?: In a group, I'll take over the leader position if I don't like the way things are being done. But otherwise, I'm a follower who gives plenty of suggestions and insight onto how I feel about things.
Fighter or lover?: Lover. I really do dislike real violence. (I like violence on cartoons though, just not the real stuff.)
Good or evil?: Somewhere in the middle I think. I don't think I'm good enough to be "good", but I'm not evil.
I'm someone who wants to live life their own way. *shrug* I don't think that makes me good or evil.
Impulsive or rational?: A mix. I try to use both.
Loud or quiet?: Quiet around people I don't know, which is the majority of the time.
Reality or fiction?: I daydream a lot, but I also worry a lot. xD; So somewhere in the middle I suppose.

Goal in life: To live my life in a way that makes me happy. To get payed doing the thing I love.

Who's your favorite Rozen Maiden character and why?: Bara and Kira <3 I love the way they interact, and I think they're adorable. Seeing the designs of them is what got me into the series.
Who's your least favorite Rozen Maiden character and why?: Junk. I'm not really sure why. It might be because a lot of people like her, and then diss on Shinku.
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?: Complex. (I was about to type that I'm too complex for one word, so I decided to use that as my word xD;)
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