The lovely lady Alice Workman took some photos of Well Connected rocking Manning Bar in what I'm hoping was precisely the manner it should be rocked. I thought I'd share some of the ones where I don't look like a child who might qualify for protective headwear.
#1: Escher (rockin')
#2: Bitches (flockin')
In case anyone missed my masterful build-up these are pics from the first round heats of the battle of the bands where me and my fly-homeboys (and fly-homegirl) managed to secure a ticket through to the quarterfinals last week. OK, we're still having a hard time letting the euphoria go.
stopping all crashes that is the crew's comin at ya struts his stuff on the stage
me and silverspoon share a moment. a rock moment.
oh god what am i doing i am not good with dances
mad props to our friends who wore their colours to show support.
stereo friends!!!
i am consumed by the power of my rock
after the show i drank a lot and fell down
That's all I've got. OK, that's a lie there's like 200 photos here but I really look like an idiot in most of them and I can't be screwed to fix up all that red-eye in photoshop. Thanks to everyone who came and to anyone who didn't - August is the quarterfinals! Book the whole month! Refrain from doing anything! Make sure you don't miss it!