#Nine - Custom LJ layout after a long time (prolly since S1 styles era?)

Jul 14, 2011 11:40

Ohohoho. I made a custom LJ theme for this LJ of mine after what,  years. I remember there was a time when almost all of my LJ friends had customized layout using S1 styles. Do you remember that time as well? Now, S2 is more popular and I think most people just look for free css codes for their LJs. I was supposed to look for one but I got inspire or motivated - actually procrastinated. XD I'm in the middle of coding a theme for work but I didn't feel like continuing it yesterday  and had the urge to code for my own websites instead and not for others. I followed that urge and now I'm still fighting procrastination. I need to finish that theme, asap!

This past weeks were sad. I feel like my health is deteriorating. I experienced chest pains and I'm afraid that it's serious. I went to the doctor twice, no thrice. The first one, the doctor checked me up and found out that (at that time) my blood pressure was quite high. She prescribed me to take hypertension meds and I took it for 5 days. Those 5 days were like hell. The side effects were killing me so I stopped and went to a different doctor. The second doctor said it is not yet confirmed that I have hypertension so I didn't need to take those meds yet. He told me to monitor my blood pressure for a week to know if I have hypertension or not. I missed to check my BP for 2 days. Sigh. Oh, I need to take a blood chem test to check if some other problem/s are causing my chest pains.

My chest pains were not  that frequent before, maybe just 2-3 months gap but it's getting more frequent now. :(

I also have problems with my period and ovaries. I'm having my period for 4 months straight. I went to the OB-Gyne 2 days ago and I'm taking 4 meds currently for it. 4 meds! That's a lot, i think? I'm kind of worried that I'm taking too many meds that maybe they're kind of dangerous for my health? And my ovaries. I have a cyst and the doctor told me it got bigger and I need to do undergo an operation to remove it... immediately.  o_o They told me we need 60k PHP for it. T_T

health, layouts

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