Gee. ._.

Feb 28, 2010 20:55

So we meet again, LJ.

Here's a bit of an update on how my week's been since the LAST post.

Monday - Start of a new term, great. Hey atleast that leaves one more term of school before I leave, right? ^¬^ aha, pretty normal week, My friend Kalka (Abreviating names~) was off ill. SHE HAD TOOTH ACHE =_= Jesus, I don't get days off for it ;_;
Sammi was in~ was had an good day terrorising poor Sianicus (one of our many nicknames to a very poor girl XD)

Tuesday - Still no Kalka, today was good nonetheless though~ sitting next to a friend which i likelikelike ;_; Though, we had a laugh~
I love you and your awesomeness, Halli~

Wednesday   -  KALKA RETURNZ!!!111one Nothing intereting happens here.

Thursday - Funfunfun, Art and Hospitality and Catering Cooking. Felt sick and went to bed early though ;_;

Friday - Gee, where do I start, this follow from Thursday first. 2am (GMT) I wake up, I'd been making weird noises for about 2 hours (says my dad OTL) where I eventually had to go to te bathroom and spew my guts up. some went all over my floor. *cry* So, thus I go back to bed after crying from pain. ONLY TO BE WOKE UP 2 HOURS LATER TO THROW UP AGAIN. :| (It happens 2 more times, I promise).

Mum makes me stay home, trust people I need t speak to that wern't there the day before to be in this day D:
I sit, sleep, sleep, eat nothing, sleep more, annnd talk to people.

Saturday - I-I I actually can't remember ;_;

Sunday -    Feck all xD

So yes, very lively.

Time to go back to being ill.

Also, I bought some Hetalia merch the other day, can'twait for it to arrive~! ^¬^

hetalia, ill

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