Wow, it's been a while. Haha . . . oops. Damn you Facespace and your distracting distractions!
Anyway. Catching up on the shit I missed on thatguywiththeglasses and I was ambushed by this side bar ad... I was like, "Okay... Gaara looks really cute, whatever, movin' on..." Didn't pay much attention to it. That is, until it henge'd and attacked me underneath the next video.
just.........what. Aizen is... and Gaara... Jiraiya, what... Shiroi-kun...? and that's definitey Orihime... um
Bleach + Naruto + shitty online American games = ???
and Rockie Ninja? Is Lee the ninja fuhrer leader or somethin? hur lee-da
Does Jump know about this? Rockie Ninja, you've got some 'splaining to dooooooo
...wait. AND WHERE THE FUCK IS ICHIGO IN ALL THIS? HE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER, DAMMIT! and the AWESOMEST! ...oh hey yeah and WHAT ABOUT NARUTO?! Homo-homo side character mutiny . . . ? guysssssssssss not coolllllllllllll