Sep 29, 2010 02:34

spoilers I guess

WOW! I just finished Clue (1985), and MAN OH MAN it is the best! Favorite mystery movie EVER. So many twists! I love the multiple endings. Though, I like the first one best...I like the butler. :( The multiple endings threw me off track, and so I was like, "Oh, I was wrong, it was that guy," and stupidly threw out all the observations I had made and all my suspects and theories. And then... "That is what could have happened. But what if it went like this?" And, again, I was fooled, and the third ending revealed itself to us, oh my god. XD Combined! So motherfucking clever!! I love how eccentric the butler was and and and aaahhhhh

They must've had TONS o' fun making this movie! Damn. To think I wasn't even alive when this was made...

I like this movie even more than I like Matantei Loki, oh god...that is so weird.


Yes, even better than the Sherlock stories, though I must admit that I've only read two so far...I'm sure the others are leagues above Clue but FUCK.

I couldn't solve it before the butler did, who was SO DAMN CLEVER, by the way, but that's okay. It was really hard to follow. This is what I love, and it just so happens to also be how I practice, and if I can't figure it out, it's alright though I usually find some way to kick myself over my stupidity and incompetence because I experienced it! A brilliant mystery I was unable to solve is better than one that was too easy, because I racked my brain best I could, and it was FUN and EXCITING. And, some day soon, I'll come across a murder or some such, and perhaps it has certain aspects that remind me of a certain movie, and I think, "Why, I do declare! I believe I know how they did it!" because nothing is new under the sun except for the best things but I AM NOT GOING TO BE COHERENT AT 2:30 AM AFTER WATCHING ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER ON THE SAME DAY AS WATCHING THE SECOND BEST PLAY EVER so Rocky Horror Picture Show is even better than I could've imagined ohmygodsohotandhilarious

but Guys 'n Gals will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.

"Communism was just a red herring." IN EVERY POSSIBLE ENDING love this movie aaahhh

fushigi mystery!!, did not see that coming, hilarity ensues, i fucking love this movie, ohgodwow

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