Oct 21, 2007 14:50
Am getting lazier by the moment.
But nevertheless, got a fair bit of chores done
1. Went RAOUL sale with Bernard and Liling on Friday to grab a shirt and a pullover. Will wear them soon.
2. Went RAOUL sale with Han Meng on Saturday to grab a bag, I choose to believe that it is a tote bag. Anyway, will see me carrying it soon as I need to let my Crumpler rest a bit. Meanwhile will also find more stuff to put in that bag as it is really huge for normal work. Maybe i can bring some claims home to work on it.
3. Collect my New Balance Run Tag at Velocity (Novena Square). Not looking forward to the run next weekend as I haven't been running for ages.
4. Bought a 20m long cable to link up my Asus with the modem as my wireless went haywired. Also managed to tap up everything nicely in my room's wall.
Quite a lot of things done on a Saturday!
And I also meet up with Rohting to change my policy payment from mthly to annual.
What to do next:
1. Read up on CPF changes to decide what other policies to buy. I am considering to get 2 more policies within the next 2 yrs so that i can get payment when i am 45yo,50yo,55yo,60yo,&65yo. Right now, 50 and 65 is covered. Need to check how is the new CPF like and buy accordingly. Oh, I am reminded to add another 5 yrs to whatever is the current drawdown age as gahmen will change the policy in time to come.
2. Start investing in CPF before April 2008 such that i need not have $20k in my account.
3. Finish the 3rd book that Liling lent me so that i can return to her everything when i next visit her.
4. Finish the DVD that Liling lent me - Zhan Shen by Vic Zhou & Big S.
5. Draw up calender for the rest of the year - i just realise that i have been losing track of my own schedule. Totally forgot what appts i have made until i was reminded. This shdn't be the way moving forward.
6. Pay all my CC bills and transfer standchard money over to posb as i would need them to pay off my annual premium soon. Must make a mental note to then transfer "savings" over to SC account every mth - i kept forgetting.
7. Sort out my mp3. It's been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong while since i edit my playlist. It has just been add on on a ad hoc basis which makes the songs very messy.
Oki, off to work on Item number 4.
Have a good day!