"The Prestige"

Nov 13, 2006 15:58

Saw this movie last night. It was absolutely brilliant!!! If you haven't seen it yet, and enjoy a good thinking movie, go go go!!

Feedback please:

0. (My premise) I'm firmly in the camp that believes the Tesla machine didn't really work, it was "the" magic trick played on the audience. We want to believe that the machine worked, when really it didn't. Everyone wants to believe he was killing his clones, when obviously that's impossible! In reality the trick was done with Angiers and Root (or a new body double). Only on the last day of the trick is there a water tank to drown Root. (He told them on that day not to let Cutter down there, so he knew ahead of time that was the night Bordon would show up.) Previous showings just had his helper falling onto the mat below. Just like the Bordens spent their life living their trick, Angiers spent all that time in America w/ Tesla, living his trick. The machine was a complete fake.

1. With all the misdirection, no one has been paying attention to Root. After one of the Bordon twins tells Root of his absolute power, who is to say that Root doesn't sober up, and kill the original Angier and 'play' his part for the rest of the movie? After all, Root seems to be a brilliant actor when not drunk. Perhaps this explains how he loved Olivia, but then was able to suddenly send her away? Hmm.. not sure about this.

2. One poster mentioned a left hand/right hand thing. Dang if this didn't slip by me while I watched, I made a mental note of how they explicitly showed us he was left handed a couple times. Perhaps Root was right handed? Or if you're in the camp that believes the machine was really making clones, there's nothing that says the clones aren't mirrors (machines don't work in ways you expect) and the clone is right handed. I'm pretty sure from memory, he shot himself with his right hand.

3. Speaking of that, don't be so sure that Angiers really killed himself when 'killing his clone' This may very well have just been him and Root (and the sneaky director!), playing a trick on the audience!!!! After all, they had just showed us how the bullet trick can easily be done! Doh! Yet another trick played on the audience, who want to believe he shot himself. (I'll ignore who one shot who, cuz I don't think it was real!)

4. I think the final reveal is that there are 100 water tanks, but we only actually see a body in one of them. Thus, the trick played on the audience was to make them believe that there were really clones made, when there were not. And if it wasn't Root in the tank, he did have two years while in America to find a new body double who wasn't smart enough to realize he had power yet.

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