Motorcycle accident

Jul 18, 2006 15:01

Its been awhile for livejournal, but I know some of you have been worried. So here is an update (same on myspace):

As most of you already know from the news or me, my father and his girlfriend were involved in a bad motorcycle accident Sunday night. Apparently they were going pretty fast on 73 just before the bridge that goes into Trenton, when their motorcycle hit the back of a car that was moving much slower than they were. They went down and the bike slid about 280 feet before it stopped. Both of them were without a helmet. They were sent to Miami Valley Hospital via Care-Flight.
At the time of the accident I was actually in Columbus with some friends of mine. I got a phone call from a close friend who had heard about the accident. Let me just tell you that it was the longest car ride of my life. When we got to the hospital, my dad had to go under immediate surgery. I was unable to see him until the next day. Both my dad and Billie Jo are two VERY lucky people. They will have to go under intensive therapy to learn how to walk again. They are lucky that they didn’t get any major head injuries. I am so thankful to have had a chance to see my dad again. I mean it is something I cannot describe when you hear that your dad had stopped breathing at the scene of the accident. And the car ride prior to the hospital, that made you wonder how much time you had. You will never completely understand how I feel until you are also put in a situation like this. And I hope that no one ever has to have this experience. I am just so thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I love all of you. I really do!
There is talk about some sort of benefit run or something like that. When I get some information on that, I will let everyone know. Until then, if you ride a motorcycle…PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE wear a helmet and be safe about it. If you drive, wear a seatbelt! You don’t always get lucky. We continue to hear stories like this all the time, but some of us tend to ignore the reality of it. It is real…and IT does happen. So please be safe.

<3 Rochelle
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