Q&A for friend

Jun 16, 2012 00:25

Met this friend today and he wanted to hear my opinion of a couple of stuffs and some of those things were actually quite interesting…especially when comes to dating, in a relation, breakup, admirers, etc…

Te: How do you know that when you see a bunch of C U Then Emo, one of them could be ‘the one’?

Monster: I don’t know about you, but if I felt like drooling, then probably either my nipple heads or my dick head have reactions. If my heart will to pulsate rapidly then probably he could be the one.

Te: How do you actually handle admirers who express their feelings to you but you are not into it, especially to those who know you for quite a while?

Monster: This is pretty hard you know?

Te: Why said so?

Monster: You have to be very careful in handling it as you don’t want the friendship that you both cultivate to be destroyed. And yet you shouldn’t mislead the person, or give any hope if it’s totally impossible. Also, you need to response in such a way that the party will not feel embarrassed or even humiliated, and yet still cherish the strong friendship that you both have.

Te: Say this person really makes your heart jumps rapidly, how do you know that he may still not be the one?

Monster: I think you have to be you and not change yourself to be someone you think the person would want you to be. You may have different background, opinion, personality, but you must be able to make a connection. It’s easy to admire one’s strengths, but if you are able to accommodate and even appreciate one’s weaknesses, then he may just be the one.

Te: During dating phase, what ways do you suggest that will help to understand a person better, deeper?

Monster: Get the person to go for a 1-2 weeks trip with you, and you should be able to see some true colors…especially things that irritate you…haha.

Te: What do you think is a common problem for one to take note be it having an admirer, or in dating phase, or in relation, or even after breakup?

Monster: Jealousy. Learn to control it instead of vice versa.

Te: Like how?

Monster: If your admirer no longer admires you and falls for someone else, give them your blessing. If you are dating or in a relationship, make the person feels that no one can ever replace him/her. And if you happen to meet your ex, try not to be curious to find out the social/love circle of his/her, stay out of it. Sometimes something is better to be left unknown.

Te: How to prevent breakup from a relationship?

Monster: How about how to continuously falling in love with the person until the end of the day…?

Mr T: What if you are with this person with really high sex drive?

Monster: Then good for the person, caused the person could have free moisturizing mask done daily. Not mentioning that the person has a GNC with free protein supplement available at anytime.

To be continued…
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