Apr 13, 2006 02:19
I've just realised... I dont update! I need to more often. Also, being less vague, and actually talking about things that are going on! Wow. New concept. Could work.... possibly. No promises though.
Yeah... I was just looking at 'recent' updates... I hardly say anything in here about my life! Sometimes I hint at the important things, but really... not so much. So here's an attempt at actually putting whats going on down:
So I'm in a class called Theatre Intensive that is being taught by this faculty member who I have been following around for about a year now: Walter. He's a director... of sorts. We're doing a play called Machinal by Sophie Treadwell. Its actually pretty cool... I thought it would be more Avante Gaurde crap, but really its not. It isnt... traditional by any means, but that doesnt bother me in the way that I thought it would.
I've been trying hard to get a job... going to the mall every other day and practically begging. I'm hoping my friend will be able to get me a job where she works, but I have lots of other places I could work at besides there so whatever happens... its cool.
I mentioned at one point a group of people that I really wanted to become friends with... wow that was a long time ago... but yeah. Good friends now. We hang out all the time. Actually I am hoping to move in with them soon, since many of them live in the same dorm. Its pretty cool. We all hang out together. Almost like the Alcove... only different. Very similar actually, come to think of it... the dynamics, the geekery, the drama... wow. Scary.
So... thats kind of a brief update. It doesnt cover EVERYTHING of course... that would take pages. ^_^ It would be a lot of "I miss _____" and "I wish I had a ________" .... you know... whiny emo things. :P
Full moon is out. It sucked earlier today, and yesterday, possibly the day before... but as for right now... I dont feel it. It hasnt been a constant feeling, like it usually is. This time its just been random pangs of about an hour or so, and then back to normal.
Trying to get money together so I can fix my car and get a new desktop... note to self: call grandparents. Also: call father. I havent spoken to him in... a month? Maybe more? Yeah... I'm a bad son, I know. Its okay though, he's not the only one. I havent called Grandma E in.... forever. Also I dont call my mom either... or Laine... (which I should do soon... also...) XD See what I mean?
Well.... its almost three a.m. and I have class at 10. Yeah. I know. I ought not to do this to myself. Meh. *shrugs*