I'm back!!!

May 03, 2002 11:30

Unfortunately, I don't have anything interesting to say. I'm a boring little girl who writes way too much for her own good. I don't even remember the last time I put an entry in. I'm that boring! I suppose if I actually wrote down everything that happened to me everyday, there would be something interesting to talk about.

Hmm, let's see. What has happened to me today so far. Well, I was supposed to be up before 7 so I could pretend that I had an exam this morning. Don't worry, that's a long story that I would love to relate some other time. Of course, I didn't get to sleep until 3 in the morning so that's a big reason why I didn't wake up until 9. What was I doing up that late you say? Well, I was reading. I was reading fics off the net. What's worse, I was reading fics off that net that I've read before! Okay, that's not totally pathetic but still. I could have used that time to sleep but I didn't so there. :P

And I shouldn't be staying up that late anymore. There's this guy that seems to know when I'm on even though I've got everybody blocked on my Buddy List! How does he find me, I have no clue. It's really scary how he'll just pop up. He's been doing it for the past two days so I think he's just waiting for me to stay up late and come talk to me.

I already told him that I have a boyfriend and he still didn't leave me alone. He even told me that he just got out of a relationship himself and wasn't looking for anything. Well, if he wasn't looking, what in the work is he doing talking to me? Anyway, he got a job at a restaurant. He seems nice enough. He's offered to take me around town since he seems to think I never get out of the house. Sad part is, it's probably true. I never do get out of the house. When I do, I either go to work, go to pretend school, go see Boy, or go out with my brothers. That is very sad. Not that I'm complaining. I happen to like not being sociable. If I have more of my friends around here, I would like to think that I could be a party girl.

There's also another guy that talks to me on occasion on IM. He pops up a lot when I'm on but I'm afraid to talk to him. The other one knows that I'm in a relationship but the other one doesn't. I really like talking to him but I think he'll stop talking to me when he finds out I'm taken. I know it's a stupid reason but why do you think I have so many guys on my Buddy List in the first place? I put up a profile and I just watch all these guys start IMing me. That is beyond depressing. And I'm not saying that I'm the greatest thing out there either. I just feel a whole lot more comfortable talking on IM than on any other medium. So I'm dependent on technology, sue me.

Well, I guess I better get going. It's 11:30 already and I don't know if I should make an appearance downstairs or not. I really don't want to talk to my dad or anybody right now. Why do you think I'm putting an entry? That's about it. I'll be back later I think. More to post!
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