hello folks

Dec 06, 2008 21:27

it's that time of the year again. time to put together a xmas greeting card of the family. this year i wanted to do an outdoor photoshoot. we took the kids to the children's place to pick out some holiday outfits. i wanted alot of color so that the photos would pop. when it came to the actual shoot, it was so frustrating for sandy and i. getting 2 little kids to sit still and look at the camera has got to be one of the hardest things to do. we would get one of them into position and then the other would wander off. i photograph birds in flight with ease but when it comes to shooting my kids together, oh man it drove me nuts. anyways, here are some of the shots. i need some feedback on which of the following 4 would you pick for our holiday xmas greeting card.





5) here are some of the other random shots from the photoshoot. it was my idea to get this hat for ethan. what's this hat called btw? paperboy hat? that was another point of frustration, keeping that hat on ethan's head. he doesn't like hats and kept on taking it off.

6)i was trying to get megan to look over her shoulder and give me a pose. she is at an age where she is pretty good at following simple instructions (unlike ethan).

7) sandy had to sit down with them order to get them to sit still for the camera. too bad i'm not in the shot or else it would have been a pretty decent family shot.

8 ) ethan takes a break from the photoshoot for a snack.

9) here is a full body shot of megan's outfit.

10 ) as you can see, ethan's white shirt and sweater was a bit long on him. i originally wanted a sweater vest but we couldn't find one that went with his little hat. i had rolled up his sleaves at the beginning of the photoshoot but of course with all the running around, they came down.


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