we now have a president of the people for the people

Nov 05, 2008 11:18

here are some shots from last week's halloween. we took the kids to tanaka farms to check out their pumpkin patch. we went on a wagon ride around the farm and later the kids got to play in the petting zoo. ethan was quite amused by the goat's swishing tail.

on halloween night we took them over to their cousin's house to go trick or treating. megan dressed up as little red riding hood and ethan dressed up as a green dragon. they both loved their costumes and had fun running around in them. this was the first time that ethan got to go participate in the trick or treating. at one house, he saw a dog and ran into the house to chase after the dog. sandy was mortified and had to run into the house to retrieve the little wayward dragon. lol.

yesterday i woke up at 5am to get ready to vote. i had to drop off my kids at my parents and then head on over to the polling station. i wanted to get in line early so that i could get out of their quickly since i had to be at work by 8am. i got there at 6:30 and was the 5th person in line. the polling station staff appeared a bit disorganized and nervous. luckily once the station opened things went smoothly from what i could tell.

sandy and i were so happy that obama won. he truly embodies hope and inspiration for all of america. mccain on the other hand represents the fear that conservative americans still unfortunately hold onto. this country needs to move foward not backwards. now that the election is over, we can finally get past all the political masterbating and finally get to the tasks at hand of fixing this country.

it finally feels like autumn here. despite my last post, we were hit with another heat wave for the last couple of weeks. however, now the temps are finally falling and it feels quite nice. too bad i caught a cold so i can't get out and enjoy it as much as i would like. i bought a bird feeder and filled it with seed and placed it on my backyard patio. with winter approaching this should attract alot of birds to my backyard.

i rented a lens last week from the local camera store. i wanted to test out the canon 70-200 f4 IS. the canon fall rebates have started and i am shopping for a new lens. i considered getting an even longer focal length lens for my nature photography but the cost for lenses longer than 400mm were astronomical and way out of my budget. what i really need is a mid range telephoto zoom to shoot outdoor family shots. unfortunately the lens that i rented was not in good condition. the IS acted erratically and the lens made a strange high pitched noise. most of my trial shots came out out of focus and soft. i was quite dissappointed since this lens is very highly regarded.
maybe i should rent the canon 70-200 f2.8 IS. muhahahaha

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