
Nov 29, 2006 23:52

Yes as you can see from the title of my post, my University education is really starting to kick in. So at the risk of sounding like a broken record (a rarely played broken record); it is that time of month again. the time of month were I am putting off doing any real work in favor of doing, well, anything else.

After a decently long term filled with twists, turns, and few surprises; I have nearly made it out (relativelly unscathed) and feel rather good about the whole. Let's see, how to summerize the last month of my life. Ah, I know; my oh so favor form of summary: Bullet Points.

-Sucsessfully Co-Hosted a film festival
-Got greatly into dept (lets just say that Weed + Credit Card = me broke but very very full)
-Got an A in a class that I don't goto and didn't buy the book for.
-Got a TA promotion (sorta)
-Began to edit a movie for a freind who ran out of time.
-Took on a crew possition for another friend who is shooting her movie over the Christmas break (also will be teaching her the finer points of Avid Pro HD)
-Decided that it doesn't matter what I do once I graduate as long as I do something ("over seas documentary funded by the Candian government" here I come!)
-Continued to work on the movie that my and my buddy may be shooting over the summer. Were talking full feature length buddy comedy here people. I figure heck, why fight it; i'll go with my strengths.
-And lastly; Miraculassly learned how to scratch (with a mixing board) just in the nick of time to get my entier Sound Design lab an A on out final project. I went from Zero to Hero in just under 1 hour and 2 Fred Pener Record. Oh yeah. I'm hardcore.

Well that should pretty well sum up my month. I am of course leaving out the various parties, the enver ending woman troubles, and the more stranger events.

That is all. i'm going to be now, for I have meetings in the morning, and term projects to finish.

Later people (or who/whatever still reads this thing).

"It is said, that a monkey can throw his own fesease upwards of 20 yards"
"Then why God, did you make a Bionic Monkey?"
"The Monkey Olympics of course. We can't let those Commy bastards beat us again. Support your troups. Buy War Bonds"
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