Aug 20, 2007 22:05

I've cut the following people. Nothing personal and I'll give you a reason why. If you want to try and be friends again leave me a message! I'd appreciate you remove me or else get banned.

family_is_love - I really enjoyed being your friend but you've seem to disappear of the face of the earth. If you ever decide to return and be active feel free to add me back! :]
jens_blinkies - I don't even remember why I have this on my list?
journeyto147 - I don't ever think you've updated this. I have your real journal on my list so I don't think it matters, <3.
whipple_baby - We just don't "click" anymore. Sorry!
xredmistx - You've abandoned your journal and barely update. It was nice knowing you and if you ever come back I'd love to have you add me back.

friends cut

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