Pairing: William/Harry
Warnings: Incest. And the like. Slash. But VERY mild.
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometime after the memorial service for Princess Diana yesterday.
Also. I have NO idea where this came from.
Harry is shaking, his hands clenching open and closed next to his legs, and William wants to reach out and touch him, make it all better, but he knows that he can’t. So he just sits there and feels his heart break a little bit more with every passing minute.
When the service is over Harry disappears as fast as is strategically possible and William can’t follow him, not with thousands of cameras taking shots of his face at every possible second.
Much later William finds him, it’s past midnight, and he’s vaguely worried. Harry is sitting in shirtsleeves, his tie bunched up in his hands, and it looks as if he hasn’t moved in hours. William drops to the floor next him and pulls the redhead into his arms.
I was worried. His voice is quiet.
Harry doesn’t answer, merely squeezes closer to his older brother and presses his forehead against William’s neck.
They stay like that for ages and William thinks that Harry has gone to sleep but then the younger boy moves and draws a shaky breath.