How Do You Solve a Problem Like Andrew? - BtVS/SG-1/SGA - Part 13-16/??

Mar 09, 2008 19:52

Title: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Andrew? Parts 13-16
Author: Vesica
Rating: PG
Fandoms: BtVS/SGA/SG-1
Word Count: 200 per chapter
Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people's sandboxes. None of these characters are mine - lucky for them!
Dedication: To jedibuttercup on the occasion of her birthday and for all her hard work and dedication in Mod'ing TtHDrabbles.
Summary: Why you send him off, along with Faith, to represent the Council's interests in the Pegasus Galaxy of course! A very silly series of double drabbles written for TtH Drabbles and more than a few FFA pairings. Crosses with SG-1 and SGA.

~ Jump to Part I~

tthdrabbles Challenge: #058 - First Impressions

She didn't like this thing.

It wasn't a physical threat - short, delicate thing, all scrawny spindly limbs - and it hadn't actually done anything threatening.

But there was something just…wrong about that gray skin and that big head and those huge dark eyes and that blank unblinking stare. She felt trapped, like a bug in a jar, and as much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't.

"Um, Faith?" Andrew nudged the immobile Slayer with no effect, finally taking her by the arm and guiding her off the bridge. "What was that all about?"

The doors sealed behind them with a soft woosh and Faith shuddered. "That thing's creepy as hell!"

"What is? Hermiod?!" he asked, watching Faith try to shake the tension from her limbs. "He's really cool."

"He's wicked freaky."

Andrew carefully pushed down the laugh that would earn him a punch in the face. "Huh - The Dark Slayer is scared of a little gray alien. I'm sure the Council will be most interested to hear this."

Faith made a sour face. "Dude, the Council is you, Xander, Dawn, and Giles. And I'm not scared!"


"Seriously - you're not gonna tell them. Right?"

Andrew didn't answer.



tthdrabbles Challenge: #036 - Family Values

Faith came sprinting into the mess hall and headed straight for Dr. Novak. "I found you! Look - don't let Andrew-"

Andrew stumbled in - gasping for breath. "Don't listen…I outrank…"

"You don't outrank anyone, GeekBoy." Faith glared, tossing him a bottle of water. "Don't let Andrew have Comm Access. He'll say it's important, but he just wants an update on 'Passions'."

"That's a lie," he huffed indignantly. "It is vitally important to keep my colleagues abreast of our progress here."

Faith snickered at 'abreast' and Andrew stuck out his tongue.

Dr. Novak was confused. "Why did you come to me?"

Both Faith and Andrew looked uncomfortable. "Well…we started with Col. Caldwell and…"

With a click, everything fell into place and Dr. Novak realized - Col. Caldwell had foisted them off on the next in command, who'd sent them to the next - all the way down the line to her, head of the Science Contingent.

Well, she knew just how to handle this. "You talk to Thompson in the engine room yet?"

"Race ya!" Faith smirked - and they were off, jostling each other to be first.

Watching them go, she suddenly missed her brothers terribly.

There was nothing quite like siblings.


tthdrabbles Challenge: #065 - Mischief Managed

Caldwell didn't know why Andrew was hanging around the bridge - they weren't even within Comm range of Atlantis yet and they were certainly too far from Earth for any messages.

But here he was anyway - peering curiously at the consoles, forgetting every two seconds he wasn't supposed to be touching anything.

Caldwell was about to tell him to go loiter somewhere else when the other one, Faith, came wandering in.

Andrew snapped to attention. "Thank you very much, Col. Caldwell. I do so appreciate you allowing me to tie up your resources, however briefly."

With a stiff nod, Andrew turned and headed for the door, ignoring the look of panic on Faith's face.

"Did he-? Did you just let him call Earth?" Faith demanded, oblivious to Andrew's frantic waving and mouthing "NO!" behind her.

Caldwell thought this was a prime example of why he had never had children and, wanting to stay well out of whatever tiff they were having now, simply shrugged and went back to reviewing the latest performance report from Daedalus' engineers.

Andrew mouthed "thanks" and popped out of sight just as Faith turned to scowl at the door.

"He's gonna be so sorry he did that."


tthdrabbles Challenge: #069 - Gifts

Col. Caldwell wasn't quite awake yet, navigating the halls of the Daedalus by memory more than sight, so he thought at first he was still dreaming. But no -

He fumbled not to drop his coffee mug as Andrew went wandering past in neon green swimming trunks and flip-flops, a towel thrown over his shoulder.

He heard a soft snicker and turned, unsurprised to find Faith sporting a smirk.

"I hesitate to ask, but what's he doing?"

"Looking for the holodeck."

"The what?"

"Holodeck." Faith leaned back against the wall, looking utterly self-satisfied. "I told him you guys had one but it only ran a tropical beach simulation - you know, tech not quite being up to Star Trek standards just yet."

"And he believed you?"

Faith shrugged. "It's a gift. Told him it's at the back of this deck, last door on the left."

A quick mental review of the Daedalus' schematics and the resultant rush of panic brought him fully awake. "Faith, the last door on the left is - "

Faith's smirk widened to a toothy grin as the sound of high-pitched screams came echoing down the corridor.

"The women's showers. Yeah, I know. And now - so does Andrew."


~ Next Installment~

characters - andrew (btvs), fandom - stargate atlantis, fandom - buffyverse, characters - faith (btvs), x-posted - tthdrabbles, x-posted - twisting the hellmouth

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