Title: Midnight Munchies
Author: Vesica
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
open_on_sunday Prompt: 204: China/Chinese
Characters: Faith, Buffy
Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people’s sandboxes.
Summary: She who hesitates loses her utensils.
“I’ll admit, this was a good idea,” Buffy mused, nibbling on her Kung Pao Chicken.
Faith grinned around a mouthful of Pork Lo Mein. “Might as well eat and wander. Patrolling is so…”
Faith trailed off as she spotted something.
She shoved her carton into Buffy’s empty hand, snatched one of Buffy’s chopsticks, and took off - dusting the dude and reclaiming her food before Buffy could even react.
Buffy stabbed a chunk of chicken with her remaining chopstick. “Now what am I supposed to do?”
“Be quicker on the uptake next time, B?” Faith smirked, clicking her pair of chopsticks.