Title: Just a Nibble
Author: Vesica
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (Quelle surprise!)
Challenge: For
ginny_draco100’s challenge “smell/scent/aroma”.
Disclaimer: Just mucking about in other people’s sandboxes.
Ginny was trying to wrap the last of her gifts, wrestling to tie the bow while juggling ribbon, tape and scissors.
A process not at all helped by the fact her husband was snuffling at her neck.
“What is this?” he asked, breath tickling her neck.
“Just some sample - something in a little purple bottle.”
“Hmm…You smell like sugar and cake…” Draco darted out his tongue and took a quick lick.
Ginny squealed and elbowed him.
“Hmm…I’m just going to pop out real quick.”
She had a funny feeling smelling like cake all the time was in her future.
Notes: Okay, yes - I totally just inserted my own commentary on Vera Wang’s fragrance, “Princess”, into a D/G fic - but seriously, the stuff makes you smell like you did just a faceplant INTO a wedding cake.