Title: Midnight Adventures
Team: MTrans
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa
Challenge: Challenge #28 - Malfoy Manor
Odd - there had been a tapestry right here when she went to the kitchen.
Why would it disappear? Unless…
Drat! Mistress of Malfoy Manor for all of six hours and here she was in the dark - lost.
She could wait until morning. Or…
Lucius sleepily followed the sounds of destruction to his bride. She had her wand trained on a porcelain shepherdess.
“Dearest,” he growled, “what ARE you doing?”
“Waiting for you to find me?”
“You got lost?”
“I was hungry and…”
He laughed, scooping her up. “Let’s get you back to bed before you destroy the place.”
Originally Posted: Novemeber 13th 2005