Mar 02, 2004 01:03
what else is there really to do when you cant sleep but post on ur livejournal. So for about 5 days I have had a itchy red rash on my legs that didnt seem to go away. So today I went to the Health Center on campus and found out it was fullucitis or some spelling like that, somehow caused by shaving. And now I cant sleep because it itches so much! It seems that I feel more itching after finding out what the real cause and orgin of the itchness is. Argh! I dont know what to do to make myself go to sleep seeing as I have never really had this problem before. Im starting to think maybe a shower to relax myself. I really want to go to bed. This benadryl is not working. And I cant take it for another 3 hours. Arg! Ok ttyl