Oct 02, 2008 20:11
I want Fable 2... and now in a slightly unrelated and contradictory rant:
I really want an MMOFPS! I swear is that so much to ask? It's wouldn't be hard, Sony already started in that direction, but fucked it up like only Sony can. It would be so easy to incorperate elements from other succesful games as well creat a few of your own. It would dominate, especially if you made it cross platform so console and PC gamers we playing together. While it is true that PC has the upper hand in a scenario like that, there are alot of dedicated console gamers (if you can call them that) who are retardedly good with a controller, so there is a chance of balance. I just am so damn tired of RPG's leading the market for MMO's. I want change, and igenuity! The very same things the industry was created on, its time to stop sitting contently while dribbling like mindless zombies to the complete flakk that they try to pass off as games nowadays! Where is my 3D interface or DNI or something really awesome like that. What is the big hold up on the progress, are all the smart people sucked into these shitty games like WoW? It's disgusting dealing with young gamers, they are mindless swearing retards! And its our and our parents generations fault, for letting the entertainment industry do what it is they did to the video game. Obviously if everyone wasn't such a damn consumer whore (I know I am) people wouldn't buy the crap that these massive companies put out as "product" and instead if we demanded quality as a whole, they would then have to produce it. All they want are sales, there is no secret agenda to ruin games... an obvious one, but not a secret one... the publishers and developers and animation and other software and hardware companies are only putting shit out because they know we will buy it. anyways... i am going to eat my crappy food and watch some shitty TV... and maybe play one of these shitfest games.
good night!