I am going to come right out and say it - the past year has been absolute shit for me on all levels and it has taken a long time for me to start getting back on me feet. It would have been too easy for me to walk away from this project, but I don't want to. I want to start it back up again and work at it even harder than before.
All the personal stuff aside, I have made a few trips to The Royal Derwent in the past few weeks and once again we have had a few interesting experiences, including actually hearing with our own ears something growling at us from Ward 4 after taking a photograph. While nothing came up on film, we did go back on the weekend and placed a tape recorder on the window sill and left it while we explored other areas. When we played the tape back, it sounds as if there is an argument going on between a female and an aggressive, dominate male. It sounds like there are several female screams through out the tape, and there are countless repetitive banging noises. I am trying to find an audio program so I can listen to it properly. I will try to post clips once I have them.
I was also able to have a brief walk through Ward 2 and managed to film a few minutes on my mobile phone. While there is no ghost activity caught on film, it does give you an idea of what the wards are like now. If you have Youtube, feel free to subscribe to my videos, but I am warning you now that I do a pretty bad video blog as well :) -
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=xlindsaywx I also have a photo that was taken a few weeks ago I have been meaning to post, so I will do so in the next few days.