(no subject)

Apr 21, 2010 23:38

  1. FULL NAME: Luke fon Fabre, but his God General Alias is Asch the Bloody (or, mentally, Ashes of the Sacred Flame)
  2. BEST FRIEND: The closest he has is Natalia.
  3. SEXUALITY: I honestly, honestly think Asch just wants to be loved for who he is and for someone to top him and make him claim who he happens to be, instead of acting like he doesn't have an identity. I do think he wants Guy to love him, wants Natalia to love him, and so forth. I think he tends toward disinterest but not asexual, whereas he's more traumatized by life and becoming tsundere than actually asexual. He has hormones, he's just very, very angry.
  4. FAVORITE COLOR: He'd say black. It's actually red.
  5. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Theoretically, he's engaged to Natalia.
  6. IDEAL MATE: Someone who can top him and love him! Uhhh, confidence is a big thing for him. But he's kind of childish in his interests.
  7. TURN-ONS: Confidence!
  8. LAST SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: I fully believe that the one Dark Wings chick tried her hardest on one occasion to get him into bed and failed horribly, only realizing why after she saw him and Natalia in a room together.
  9. FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken.
  10. CRUSHES: Natalia? Though it's pretty obviously reciprocated. Yuri, in camp. And Guy, in that "you took care of me when I was little why don't you like me, damnit >(" way.
  11. FAVORITE MUSIC: Asch doesn't have time for music.
  12. BIGGEST FEAR: I think he always had a fear that once Natalia realized about who he was, she would choose Luke over him. He feels a little like she did, even if he COULD know it's not romantic, he doesn't always think logically. I think he almost wanted his parents to reject him, for his country to write him off, and so forth, so his grudge could be justified. But it wasn't. And at the same time, just that is his biggest fear. Natalia dying at all is the other one.
  13. BIGGEST FANTASY: Running Kimlasca with Natalia.
  14. QUIRKS IN BED: Horribly topped, tries to act completely confident but fails.
  15. BAD HABITS: ... What about Asch isn't a bad habit.
  16. BIGGEST REGRET: That stupid promise to Luke right before he died.
  17. BEST-KEPT SECRETS: That he actually, fully believes in the replica's ability to get things done.
  18. LAST THOUGHT: That he wishes he had another copy of his uniform in camp.
  19. WORST SEXUAL/ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE: OTHER THAN THE DARK WINGS THING I SAID ABOVE, losing Natalia to the replica when he was ten. :(
  20. BIGGEST INSECURITY: That people are glad they got the replica instead of him. AND IN MANY CASES, IT IS A FOUNDED WORRY.
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