
Jul 12, 2007 09:14

I always loved running - it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.
Jesse Owens

Wow! I thought this quotation sums up very well how I felt whenever I am on my routine run.

I used to see running as a means to burn calories and keep healthy.
I do not know when I started to see running more than just a health and maintain weight regime. It became a mental challenge, an addiction to the adrenalin rush, a desire to feel alive and going beyond what I thought my physical body can take me.

Running makes me conscious of my own body, my own heartbeat and the rhythm I create with the strides that I take with each step. The good and the bad of running, I embrace it all.

The sun, the sweat, the knee joint stiffness, the enlarged feet(my feet is kinda webbed I swear. Think Donald Duck from Walt Disney), the blisters, the bulky calf muscles and the freckles.

Yet, the very feeling of being in-charge of my body outweights everything else.

Happy birthday Kah ming!
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