More Marathon Stuff; The Dilemma

Nov 06, 2008 21:00

Have to say that with each marathon I do, the recovery time gets better and better. As of yesterday afternoon, I was walking around like a normal person again: taking stairs without walking sideways, getting up and out of a chair or car without wincing, bending down without cursing, etc. I tell you, by Saturday I think I'll be able to do a light jog! Of course, I don't plan to do any serious racing till Thanksgiving morn at the Ashenfelter 8K. I will probably do a 5K on my birthday (November 16) at Swamp Devil but that's it. I don't care about my time, I just want to get back out there. Next week, it's back to the gym for more core conditioning.

OK, here is the Big Dilemma, Otherwise Known as The Freelance Project from Hell. But some background first:

As many of you know, I have a decent full-time job and in these times, I am ever so grateful for that. From time to time, however, I take on some freelance projects merely to supplement my income and to keep my hand in writing and editing. I tend to take on these projects in the fall and winter months because I spend more time indoors then.

Last month, I called this medical publishing company that I did some work for a couple of years ago. The woman who was my liaison there has since left the company but I figured I'd call and ask if there was any work to be had. As it turns out there was. A woman (let's call her R) I spoke with said there were a couple of writing and/or editing projects but she also needed someone to manage a project: soliciting writers and peer reviewers and coordinating all this with their ad schedule. To make a long story short, the project managing position paid a lot more than the writing/editing gigs. She asked me if I would be interested in that. I was very honest and upfront with this woman. I told her 1. my background was primarily writing and/or editing and 2. I have absolutely NO experience in managing a project of this nature. I told her I would sleep on it, though.

I grew up in a family whose attitude is "Go for it." I could actually hear my blessed mother's voice saying just that. So, in a nutshell, that is what I did. Mind you, I was told from day one, that I would have support, I was not to worry, and that I would be a pro by the final issue, etc. OK.

I am at the point now where I want to quit and just hand this over to someone else and I will tell you the main reason why: I am receiving absolutely NO support whatsoever and I am a nervous wreck. R is hardly ever available. This past Monday I took off of work (day after the marathon) and set up a conference call with her at noon. Well, noon came, then 12:30, then 1 PM...finally I called HER. No answer. I emailed. No answer. Turns out she was out sick but I didn't find this out until the next day when she emails me back and says would have to reschedule our call. What day is it today? Thursday? Has she called, emailed? No.

Meanwhile, I get this call from the founder-publisher guy who welcomed me to the company and says he wants to get together with me for lunch in the city next week to discuss the project. I also shared with him my reservations and the problems with R. He just kind of blew it all off, saying R is just very busy, et cetera and so forth, blah-blah-blah. But I need some sort of guidance and communication on this project, I said. Only one doctor-writer has called me back so far and R wants a full report by mid-November!

Yanno, I take some of the blame here, too. I never should have taken this damn thing on. I would like to resign from this and I actually have a colleague in mind who has done this kind of work before and probably needs the money more than me. I put in a call to her and I hope it works out.

I am not a quitter type but I cannot and will not work with a non-communicator. I would rather work with the biggest bitch in the world than that.

If you read this far, thanks for hearing me vent. If you have suggestions or comments, just leave 'em.
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