Apr 12, 2007 03:12
"So what have I been up to?" You may be asking yourself that question right now. Your saying to yourself, "I wonder what ever happened to that charming, holly-go-lightly fellow that used to post with an unpatterned regularity?" Before you give up on answering that question, I have a question for you. Why is it that you care so much? I mean, honestly, there has got to be something more interesting to think about than little ol' me. And I mean to say "ol'" instead of "old" because I am from the streets.
It is sufficent to say that I am deeply, deeply depressed (with a smile, for you). I have not really done much in my life the last 6 months, and can safely say I am the laziest man alive, in the world, of all time, in the history of man. Since the dawn of time, I have been pretty much always busy doing something. However, now I am sitting at home 7 days a week because I can't work. Since I don't work, I don't get a lot of money from the workers compensation board. Since I don't get a lot of money, I don't have a reason to go out to buy anything. Vicious circle, but not the Dane Cook kind.
I saw Fast Food Nation today, and I really liked it. However, I dislike Avril Lavigne. Therefore, I dislike Fast Food Nation. Also, on a related note, why is it that Jon Heder can't close his mouth. I mean it seems that he always has it open. When he's talking. When he's breathing. When he's doing that stupid pissed off look that he thinks the guys cream their pants for.
It is 3:33am. If you times that time by two you get 6:66am. That time, if it could possibly exist, would be the Devil Time, or DT for short. At least then all the satanist, marijuana smokers would have a time they could all "inside joke" about.
Oh, and Kurt Vonnegut is dead.
The Highlight of my Day®:
Realizing that if I could just kill off Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman would me mine. All mine.
your it,
damn it someone is it,
no your it