Jan 09, 2007 19:23
Upon returning to Sweet Home High School for week 2 since vacation, I've realized that I really despise the majority of kids that go to this school. Honestly, just listening to some of these kids makes me feel as thought my IQ has dropped a few points. Why the hell can't people walk down a friggin hallway? Why, because I suppose it's much more fun and enlightening to trip people on the other side of the hallway as they walk by and hold up an entire mob of people behind you that are used to this sort of thing and don't say anything. Because the middle of the hallway (preferribly where one hallway meets another where traffic is already increased) is the ideal place to hold a conversation. Because making people squeeze up against lockers because my friends and I are walking 8 across the hallway just brings me joy. WTF.
Another thing that just really gets me, but I'll admit I'm also guilty of, is the incessant talking during class. Sure, we're high schoolers, it's going ot happen, but honestly in AP English, Camhi will be halfway into his lesson and people are STILL talking as if he hasn't even walked into the room. This from an AP class. It's so annoying and not to mention rude. If people would rather talk than listen to a man who's quite knowledgable on the subject, then drop the class and go to the friggin senior lounge.
Student Learning Community Days or whatever the hell they're called. Seriously, who thought of these. I could understand these in elementary school maybe even early middle school if you really want to push the limits, but in high school, they're obsolete. No one cares what they write down on those sheets. In fact, everyone has a good laugh at them. I know there was some kind of motive behind them but I honestly can't think of a good one. You can't force the bonding between a student and a certain teacher. It has to happene on it's own. You also can't force student to student bonding. I can honestly say I would resist this with full force in my homeroom. I'm pretty sure no one in my homeroom would want to bond with me either considering I'm friends with people they repeatedly excalim are "sooooooooooo annoying."
Sorry for the rant, but I feel a lot better with all of this off my shoulders. This could all be a result of just wanting to leave high school and wanting to be in college, or it could all just be true and our high school contains highly non-functional kids. I think Kelly was right in the way she observed others behavior durin gthe bomb threat. No one takes anything seriously no matter what. They'd rather do something to put the spotlight on them for a few moments and be ignorant to those around them. It's rediculous. I"m glad this is all out before the Superintendant's Advisory Board meeting tomorrow or else I probably would've blurted this all out right there in front of everyone. Thank you for listening...actually reading this. :)
I'm out.