Roxy recs but I'm wearing shades and sporting a fake mustache.

Jun 29, 2021 00:01

These series of older stories (2009) are some of the first kink stories I read. I had no idea there was such a thing as pony play before this. I had a vague idea that kink involved, oh, maybe handcuffs, blindfolds, whipped cream and shiny boots. I don't even know how I got to this story. Somewhere in this LJ there has to be a story about that, because I've recced these stories over and over. Hey, when you get a good thing, you stay with it. I confess I am obsessed with this odd kink. :D

I'm posting a rec now because I bet newer readers haven't seen these, and it feels like folks are getting kind of boring these days. It's all cock knots and panties and serial killers. Here's something a little different.

Sultanspride's Pony Treat 'Verse Masterpost

fic recs, roxy recs

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