
Jan 23, 2020 19:13

I just shredded two thousand bazillion pages of notes and edits for stories. It took me forever, because I'd have to stop and read little notes I wrote for myself and got kind of caught up in how some of the stories changed from my first thoughts to whatever I posted. Interesting!

Yep, still slowly but surely getting ready to get ready for the Great Move In. It's going to be tough to have two families living in the house, no lie. I love my grandspawn like a lactose-intolerant kid loves non-dairy ice cream, but still. It's tough on a person who needs a lot, I mean a LOT of private time. Still, I like the idea that they'll be home, and BG can maybe get out from under her student loans, and Beelzebubba will have a yard to play in. As long as everyone understands I need time to write. I was going to say porn but I've noticed how porn free my latest offerings are. This is something I need to fix.

Hey! I found a New Year's Resolution. Is it too late for that?

dear my friends

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