Appearances by: Ten <3 (courtesy of
swankkat ), Billie, Astrid, Schnozly, Bugaboo, Dalek!Sec, Tricked!Out Mini!Sec, the cult of Skaro, Who figures, A red phone box, Sailor Moon, Bumblebee (fig), and a wind up otter. :3 And cookies. Gotta have the cookies.
Ten: based off of DT and various roles he's played. Heavily Doctor-ish however, Ten is just... Ten :3
Billie: based off of BP and the roles she's played. Mostly off of Rose Tyler but still distinctly... Billie :3
OH! Based in the Whoverse (ish) that could work? XD;
Astrid: My botgirl version the TARDIS <3 Quirky...
Anyway, :3 Enjoy! :D It's... silly... as usual? hehe. My name is Roxy, I'm 26 and, yes, I still play with my toys... a lot. :3
Astrid: Where did I leave off?
Daleks: BEACH!
Astrid: To Daleks... you sure you don't know this story already???
Daleks: *eyenozzle shaking* NO WE DO NOT!!!
Astrid: Oh! Right. Some of the details have been changed, for artistic purposes. :3 This story's a romance.
Astrid: So, after both bad guys had been sucked into the void, transformers having returned to their home world, our companions had been left to talk on a beach.
Astrid: Even though he had this rather fantastic box he traveled around in. *whisper* So fabulous they can't reproduce her to the right scale for me to carry about. ANYWAY, something had gone rather wrong in the mix of things and our lovely young companion ended up on the other side of the universe! So, even though they could see each other they couldn't even hug goodbye! This silly alien bloke could probably save her but it would rip apart all these realities in space in time and cause mass chaos. I personally think he wasn't trying hard enough.
Astrid: And that's where a rather integral character enters our show. Sailor Moon. You know what Sailor Moon does? *To Sec*
Sec: *shakes stalk in a "no" fashion*
Astrid: She's fantastic! She's very clumsy though.
Astrid: Sailor Moon, fortunately, trips! Knocking our lovely young companion INTO silly alien bloke and then-!
Astrid: Because Sailor Moon has magical gadgets that aren't silly screwdrivers she is able to SAVE the fabric of reality! :D
Ten: What's wrong with the sonic screwdriver?
Astrid: You're missing a rather integral point...
Astrid: >:( I'm not telling you stories anymore :P Nothing is cooler than a moon wand! :D
Ten: I'd say if it keeps your circuits running...
Ten: What story are you telling exactly?
Astrid: ... *sneaky look* ... nothing in particular...
*A few seconds later*
Ten: So, our dashing hero, with impeccable fashion sense and his lovely companion have been traveling together and are quite close...
Astrid: *standing by to make TARDIS noises...*
Billie: *wanders in quietly*
Ten: So they were completely unprepared! *pause* You SURE you don't know this story?
Daleks: *shake heads*
Tricked!Out Mini Sec: *sniffle*
Ten: Where was I? OH! Yes! Torchwood.
Ten: And really, if his companion had not wandered off, as she is apt to do...frequently
Billie: *trying not to snicker*
Ten: This is where Astrid got it a bit wrong. Seemingly separated for ever by universal boundaries, extremely handsome alien bloke will have to come up with a plan.
Billie: *silent sniggering*
Ten: Yes, but he's brilliant and it won't take long.
Ten: And then they can hug again. The end. :D
Billie: *snort* That how it went then?
Ten: *hides figs* How what went?
Astrid: *whips out Much Ado About Nothing* Oh! This one's good!*to the Daleks*
Astrid: *To Daleks* You see two of the main characters are madly in love with each other, but both too stubborn to admit it! :3
Billie: ...
Ten: ...
Astrid: >:3
Bugaboo: *flees and goes to dig in the couch*
Billie: Urm... I had a favor to ask.
Ten: Yes?
Billie: It's your turn to do the washing up.
Bugaboo: *truffle hunting*
Ten: Oh! Okay then, Astrid?
Astrid: hmmmmm...
Billie: Why Astrid?
Ten: She usually does that sort of thing? Always has in the past... *shrug*
Astrid: *pose* Not this time :3 You don't want your TARDIS getting dishpan hands do you! Last thing I need is woodrot, gets drafty enough as it is.
Billie: *giggle*
Ten: What?! You're paint is specially treated, I made sure of that myself!
Astrid: Maybe I just think you need to learn it eventually anyway. 900+ years, you'd think you'd have learned to clean up after yourself by now... >:3
Ten: I have!
Billie: *laughing outright*
Ten: The hysterical laughter isn't helping, thank you.
Billie: *snort*
Billie: Sorry! *laugh* Sorry! 's just... I agree with Astrid.
Ten: WHAT?!
Astrid: *Grin*
Billie: *laughing in the background* Your face!
Astrid: *hums mischievously*
Astrid: *whisper* Hold still Demo...
Billie: *snort* I am NOT taking sides.
Ten: but... but... dishes? *slight whine*
Astrid: >:3
Astrid: Demo wanted to loan you something for your domestic sentence. >:3
Ten: Is that?
Billie: I think so...
Ten: I am NOT wearing an apron. *grump*
Astrid: If he starts with dishes maybe he can learn more domestic things... he could bake me pastries... mmmmmmmm *daydreaming about training her time lord* (<--- doesn't eat pastries... she collects them because they're pretty.)
Billie: Oi, *takes Ten's hand*
Billie: You did say once that you wanted to try out this whole "slow path" human lifestyle.
Billie: *innocent eyes* This is all just part of that. A new adventure... with a bit of washing up?
LATER (But not much)
Astrid: *Bleepy amused noises* I'm sure you didn't have to wear the apron.
Ten: I didn't want to get my trousers dirty.
Astrid: I like this one. :3 Billie can stay.
Ten: You're supposed to be putting these away once I dry them, Princess Woodrot. Or do you have some chipping I suddenly need to be concerned about?
Astrid: *gleeful giggly TARDIS noises*
Billie: Right! So, you want the real story then?
Daleks: *waiting patiently*
Billie: So the beach. S'that where we left off?
Daleks: YES *belated* EXTERMINATE!
Billie: They said goodbye, not by choice, but because they had to. It was very hard on both of them but neither of them gave up on each other. So, when the *rolls eyes with a grin* extremely handsome alien bloke realized he couldn't save her...
Billie: She went and saved him.
Dalek: *wibbles* *sniffle*
Tricked!outMiniSec: *WAIL*
Schnozly: so... so beautiful *sniff*
Daleks: *SO TOTALLY hate Faux for re-wiring them to have emotional turmoil and household cleaning skills.*
Astrid: Aren't they cuuuuuuuuuuuuute? :3
Billie: *giggle* Aprons a nice touch...
And Billie's outfit. :3
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND that was my silly for the day? :D