... I think I probably look like the teacher from Daria. So. To avoid my eye bulging out of my skull in workly annoyance. I'm posting pictures of Astrid and Ant.
Why? Becuase they got new stuff. :3 And because I can.
Astrid is my lovely nerdgirl "bot" representation of The TARDIS from Doctor Who. She's Ten's (Swankkat's Ten) TARDIS and just as testy and feisty as she is.... as a police box.
Ant is my fangirl obsession with Adam Ant. :3 She got new clothes. They be fun and full of awesome. <3
*See? Twitching less already*
New Golden ish Vortex eyeball (the other one is the time roter) I'm NOT sure if this one is staying or if I'm remaining on the vortex eyeball hunt. Bats has some that are darker. I'm thinking those may work better for Astrid. More contrasty. These aren't bad... I'm just... not SURE.
See? Ten's Tardis. Seriously, his name is on her Chassis. The Gold Circle and the blue thingy to the right is "Ten" in Gallifreyan (YAY WHO ENCYCLOPEDIA AND VISUAL DICTIONARY FOR HAVING GALLIFREYAN NUMBERS! YAY SWANKKAT FOR SCANNING IT... so long ago.)
The lovely miss Ant. <3 In Eganzi... which I got FAR TOO cheap (and it's gorgeous).