
Mar 24, 2005 14:54

wow its been a long time latly everything has been going to good to be true! which is really good! its been so good church is going great as usual the youth is actualy starting to get along its shocking but GOOD! School has been getting better ive been bringing my grades up. some friends that i had been in fights with were cool now other then one and i think shes gone forever and for the best...and i think several will agree when i say that! One of the best things latly is KENNY! lol... hes soo sweet! everything has just been going great... im so ready for this warm weather im ready for the beach! lol... Im going to florida in july and its taking to long to get here! i wana go sooo bad we didnt go last year and that SUCKED! this year samantha is coming with us to florida so FUN~!lol well today i got in trouble with the bus driver hes retarded! he always stares at me leanna and susan its like he waits for us to do something wrong so he can start yelling! oh well my dad said hed call and tried to get him fire thatd be kinda funny... well yesterday something was said by a particular person who was already walking a thin line. just a word of advice dont talk about somebody u dont even know u never know who ur talking about... u shouldnt talk about people end of story and im not saying i dont cuz i know my faults but i dont talk crap about somebody i dont even know! Dont try to hurt somebody u do know by saying something about somebody u dont know... dont take it out on that person say it to the person ur really trying to hurt cuz all this stuff is just getting old! anyways back to the positive side Easter is coming this YAY! i hope the easter brings me something lol j.k.... are your lips soft and fuzzy? lol inside joke Victoria HAHA~!.... tomoro we get to go skating again in pe this is soooo exciting i cant wait! SIKE! i hurt my knee yesterday when we went matter of fact my knee still hurts but theres nothing i can do for it which is crap! i have so many projects that i gotta work on over spring break i need to make sure i set time for all of them cuz im the worst Percrasonator... G2G
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