Feb 13, 2005 12:33
did i mention that history is my least favorite subject? well anyway, we're just about halfway done w/ our project--->its coming along nice actually..except we have wayy too many words, but who counts?
taking my drivers ed test tuesday...oo boyy
vacation cant come soon enough...i am soo sick of school...i seriously need a break..new hampshire on sunday should be a good time..kbflyy and i and our uno filled weekend. coming home wednesday--->and i dont hafta babysit thursday...princess pajama party too..oo boy
went to 9.30 mass today..sat w/ gracie k and a really hyper kid that kept doing the funniest things and thought that "jesus tasted good." people kept apoligizing to me today..the hyper boys mother kept apoligizing for her son, even tho i thought he was hilarious..then at the end of mass, mrs. larkin and colleen came up to me and mrs. larkin was yelling at colleen to apoligize to me..she refused and then got yelled at even more-->i felt kind of bad...she finally said sorry and ran off...the weird part is, i have no reason why she was apoligizing...im sure it had something to do with friday night.