Nov 21, 2004 11:48
So we lost to CG. Kinda figured that. But then again thats good in a way cause ed, who i havent talked to in forever, is a senior and he deserves to play more games because if we won then he wouldnt have. But still, good job verona boys =) Arite well then after we had family over and i hung with my little cousins and such. Then at night was kers. There were like me and most of my friends and others. Then later on more people came. It got cut short when kerr was talking to her parents on the phone out front and when she gave me a thumbs down signal i ran into the back room where everyone was and starting screaming that her dad was coming home. And lucky me, i had like stuff scrambled all throughout her house. So i got my scarf and my shoes and my purse and then my shirt and my vest (..i changed cause i was getting overheated). So i just followed everyone else who was running because i had like absolutely no idea where i was running because i was the only girl at kers that wasnt sleeping over so i had no one to follow & such. Well so yeah i was running in my white mud. They got sooo dirty and muddy (i still gotta clean those, haha). AND LUCKY GOT OUT. Aww, i love Lucky. Shes such a good dog. And i was like "Shit shit shit. LUCKY'S OUT!!" And i didnt wanna grab her and bring her back because 1) i woulda been left behind, and 2) i didnt want her dad to catch me. Lucky was like, chasing all the people that were running and like was running in the complete opposite direction of kers house. And when i talked to ker about it today she didnt even know that her dog was loose. Well, i guess her dog got home safely. I dont know how though. Sooo i just followed my brother which i did not want to do but when i asked myself, "well how else are ya gunna get outta here" and "where ya gunna go"... i couldnt answer myself :-/ Sooo that was my only option. I felt kinda bad for the persons house i went to afterwards. Oh well. Such is life. But it was still kinda fun. Well, i mean, not too dreadful. Arite well imma gunna go study for my tests tomorrow b/c i promised myself no D's or C's this MP. MMmm okay.. bye =)