Mar 09, 2005 19:57
Why is it that when one thing is going wrong, everything goes wrong? And when one thing is going right, everything is going right? Well, for me right now, everything is going right.
Moved into the new apartment.
Mike and I are okay. Not great, but okay. Not the way I want things to be with a boyfriend, but I'll deal for now.
Jonathan is supposed to be heading over here tonight after work. But I won't know for sure until a lil after 9 pm.
AND...the kicker...I had written to say hello on All Shall Fade's message board a month ago. Y'know...John's band...the John from Best Buy. And a few days ago, John's friend, Dan, wrote me back. Now I go on today...and John wrote me back!! He has a new phone now so he told me to call him and that I'd only have to give him my number once more. So I called him...and left a message with my number. So we'll see...
But I'm so happy!!!