Mar 18, 2005 21:45
today was a nice day. i worked until 1230, had a talk with my pastor, went for coffee by myself, infact i even branched out and tried a mandarin orange latte. it was pretty good. i sat and read for a bit, and stared into space for another bit, it was more like reflecting, i guess not staring into space so much:P then i went and sat on comfy chairs with these dudes who were playing crib(my sister was working there, she told me to sit with them) its not like i was randomly picking up guys! hehe we talked a bit as i journaled on my own and they played away. i didnt know crib was as easy as it looked! indeed! i was there for a while, then my old prayer partner came and had coffee with was a nice night. THEN-my mom pciked me up and she took me for sushi, i love my mom. now im home, its nice to be a homebody this fine night. it feels refreshing i think. but i also think im rambling on here. so i better go to bed now, or rest and fall asleep on the couch, i like doing that, but only when i know i dont have to get up early in the morning. oh yeah, calvin came out from mission yesterday, we went to my coffee shop and chilled and listened to some music, thursdays are open mic nights. it was nice. "whats the most thrilling thing youve ever done?" oh man, i think i should let calvin tell you this one, just know it involves trains........hehehehe--