Jul 26, 2006 23:24
Today my coworkers were discussing plans to do thriller for the CTY talent show to make the kids pee their pants as they saw their teachers spaztically performing such a maneuver, I excitedly responded with I KNOW THE ENTIRE DANCE!!! As everyone turned around and looked at me strangely I realized that things had gotten awkward. I explained that I had to learn it for a school thing and not just because in my free time I like to learn michael jackson moves but they thought I was lying. They just didnt understand the greatness that was Jshow. Tear.
P.S. I've been saying Lance Bass was gay since 7th freakin grade and NOBODY listened. Assholes - I WIN!!
Happy almost birthday SARAH!!!!! (Nina dont get upset its not close enough to your birthday to wish you a grood one) But anyway is there anything fabulous you desire?? Your birthday gift will be arriving a tad late.
GC UNIT whhhhhaaat!